Thursday, April 17, 2014

Some Good News and a Challenge as We Approach this Good Friday

I feel that news organizations focus strongly upon the bad things that are happening in the world and save only short clips for good things that are happening. I don't think that this is limited to the secular news organizations, for example, the Cardinal Newman Society sends out frequent e-mails that focus on the bad things that Catholic universities are doing and rarely highlight good things that are going on.

I agree that reporting bad news is important for a variety of reasons: raising awareness, informing the public, and encouraging investigation and change among them. However, I think that reporting on and spreading good news about our world is just as important. If all the news we see is bad, we are driven to total despair, which is possibly the worst of all sins. By spreading good news, we are able to show where God's light is shining in our world. We are able to spread ideas to others on how to bring this light to the world. Therefore, I am dedicating this blog post to the beautiful great light I saw shining at Notre Dame a few weeks ago.

The Institute for Church Life at Notre Dame invited four guest speakers to discuss with the community their experience in the pornography industry. Donny Pauling was the first to share his story; he had worked for years in the pornography industry producing a couple million photos and thousands of hours of film. Chrissy Moran is a former pornography star who shared her personal experience of the situation the women are placed in. Sam and Beth Meier are a married couple that persevered through Sam's addiction to pornography.

These speakers spoke about the reality of pornography "on both sides of the screen" as was the punch line. The humility they showed in sharing their deeply personal stories and the role of faith in helping them get out of the cycle absolutely blew me away. I have never heard a more beautiful speech. I was deeply moved by their stories, by seeing the laics in action, and by the hundreds of students that attended this presentation. I hope that this conversation that has begun will continue to be brought to our attention. Pornography is a very awkward subject to discuss, but nothing will change if we continue to keep it in the dark.

For those who are struggling with pornography, you're not alone. About 85% of adult men and 50% of adult women view pornography monthly. I encourage you to watch this video and draw some inspiration from it. Pornography is an addiction, and it takes a lot of hard work to overcome, but these witnesses show that it can be done. Leave this sin at the cross this Good Friday and begin living life anew. I will be praying for you. Do not be discouraged by missteps along the way. God always loves you and continually calls you deeper into his love.

The video is two hours long. I promise you that you will not regret taking the time to watch it and will leave the video changed in some way. Spread the good news. Let this light shine.

Porn on Both Sides of the Screen

"In short, the problem with pornography is not that it shows too much of the person, but that it shows far too little." - John Paul II

Ave Crux, Spes Unica

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Weeping Due to the Truth

Three months later... another blog post... trying to be suspenseful, of course.

I am taking a course this semester titled 'The Qur'an and Its Relation to the Bible'. Being very uneducated about the Islamic faith, the Qur'an, Muhammad, and just about anything having to do with the Middle East, I have found this class incredibly fascinating. Often times I find myself thinking, 'Islam seems so mythical!' However, this opens me to a better and deeper understanding of my Catholic faith, for C.S. Lewis said, "Now the story of Christ is simply a true myth...."

Throughout this class, I have learned many lessons about my own faith and seen many connections, but I want to focus on just one thing in particular. In sura (chapter) 5 of the Qur'an, verse 83 reads, "When they hear what has been sent down to the messenger, you can see their eyes overflow with tears because of the truth they recognize." In this verse, the 'they' refers to Christians and the messenger refers to Muhammad. This is a fairly common and effective tactic of proving that the Qur'an is the real, true Word of God. For if even the Christians weep at this truth and convert, then it must be true.

While reading the Qur'an, I have not found myself weeping, but I think that this verse has truth behind it. Sometimes, when something so true and so beautiful becomes evident to us humans, we are inclined to cry at the truth and beauty. This year I have been blessed with being able to explore my faith deeply on many different levels, in Mass, in the classroom, in my homework, in my prayer life, and particularly in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This last one has begun to take its hold onto me. In the culmination of all of these direct experiences with my faith and God, I have occasionally found myself drawn to tears. Seeing the truth in the myth of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior who laid down His life for me and you overwhelms me. Nothing is more beautiful than the truth of God's love for His people. A couple times this week, the realization of how true this is engulfed me and I was filled with awe.

Nobody can explain God's love for us: He came down from heaven to be with us... He died for us... He tells us to EAT Him. WHAT?! That's absurd! Yet, it is the truth. Reflecting on the truth of God's love for us and the grandeur of the God that decided to humble Himself for us is a very awe-inspiring, beautiful, and overwhelming experience that can only lead one to tears as the truth begins to dawn.

Ave Crux, Spes Unica